Tuesday 30 July 2013

Impact of ICT in education

            World Wide Web (WWW) is updating the knowledge warehouses for students , teachers and scientists due to tremendous progress of ICT. A person from village also can refer the latest info. and research everyday. Open universities and distance education through ICT are new openings for working people to acquire , knowledge sitting at home.
            Television broadcast is one of the best communication media to educate the students , farmers , sportsman with latest information along with the video clips. The difficult experiments, advance surgery for medical students etc. can be viewed.
             The Curriculum , information about text books, reference books and refere available on internet.
             Audio cassettes , video tapes , audio and video CDs , video multimedia interactive CDs are available in market for students from KG(kinder garden) to PG (post graduate).
            LCD projectors can be used for effective teaching for large number of students .
            The man power problem, the human mistakes can be avoided by on-line examinations.Various organisations conduct online examinations like Maharashtra State Board. Now a days most of the universities are conducting on-line entrance examinations.


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